Heart of Scotland
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Patricia in 1987 at Smoo Cave near Durness

Heart of Scotland

There's a castle in a glen that speaks of Scotland,
An island in a Hebridean sea,
But while loch and ben may awe you,
Burns cascade afore you,
The real heart o' Scotland beats in me.

And I declare its glory's in my freedom,
Its richness and its honour's being free.
There's a world to face, but no prouder race,
For the heart of Scotland beats in me.

There's a canny skill and drive that speaks of Scotland,
Its genius spreads our fame 'cross monie sea.
But while glories past may awe you,
Tales of old enthrall you,
The real heart o' Scotland beats in me.

And I declare ...

Caledonia, my country, each generation new,
Has left its print embedded, each step one step till now.
Caledonia, my country, one thousand years rolled on,
Let hist'ry judge its finest, the vict'ries we have won.

And I declare ...


patricia_20120525_inchmahome.JPG (13448929 bytes)
- at Inchmahome in 2012

ardnamurchan_2010.JPG (846620 bytes)
at Ardnamurchan in 2010

And where does "I declare ... " come from?


"It is in truth not for glory nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom alone,
which no honest man gives up but with life itself.

We profess and declare ......."  April 6th 1320