Spiccato - Tap!
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spiccato sheet Spiccato - Tap! - one sheet

These are the three short exercises with which I introduced spiccato, spread out over a  couple of terms during the third year (or fourth, with some groups).

Spiccato is fairly easy on one string; but string crossings do tend to disturb the regularity of the stroke, and also there is quite a change in sensation between the E and G string arm levels.

The first accompaniment, to Clementine, again encourages the "walking fingers" action (the pianist's legato touch) which is also a useful violin habit on occasion.  High fliers can later be encouraged to try the melody itself spiccato.

The steady "jingle" accompaniment to Lieutenant Kije looks innocuous; but it usually proves a good test of synchronisation.

The spiccato arpeggios for John Brown's Body emphasise the changing arm level again, and invoking an image of the regular drum tap does help to keep the playing steady.  As with the other two pieces, pupils can divide to play both parts, providing further variety to the lesson.

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