Welcome to Kerry and Patricia Milan's
site for Scotland.
With thoughts for a "New Song" very much in everyone's
mind, we have included here three new pieces which capture the spirit and excitement of
the age - all recorded with soprano Caroline Milan.
"Heart of Scotland" was Kerry and
Patricia Milan's contribution to the debate on a new national song for Scotland. We hope
you find it enjoyable; but above all that it stirs and inspires you. The tune itself
speaks unmistakably of Scotland, and the words take for their inspiration its natural
beauty, its history (..."and I declare..."!) and above all the character of its
"Flame of Destiny" is a hauntingly
beautiful melody, its words "... each destiny entwined" perfectly capturing the
mood of the new parliament.
"Blue Dawn" has an equally haunting
tune, the words similarly optimistic, with its theme "the waters flow on"
linking past and present, and for ever offering a new hope. For background
references please visit the separate Background page.
"The New Twasome" as its name hints,
is an arrangement of "Flame of Destiny" and "Blue Dawn"
combined. The two pieces were written to be able to be played - and sung -
together and I look forward to hearing a choir performing them - separately AND
together! Any offers?!