Guide to files
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The whole of "Sing and Play Along" is now available in electronic form, and can be freely downloaded from this site.

The Introduction and List of Songs  detail the musical content.   This Guide lists the files available, and what you will need to access them - via the Viewing the Music pages

The music of the 28 songs comprises:

  • Piano Accompaniment with the words included
  • Vocal part, with words and melody line incuded
  • Percussion parts to each song, with individual play-back of each instrument included
  • Melody parts for violin/recorder, viola, cello, flute, B flat clarinet, alto saxophone and trumpet.
  • There are ten books, each in format like its printed version, to be viewed in PDF format.  Once downloaded, the individual pages can be viewed quickly and printed out with ease and clarity.

    Each piece can be listened to, complete with the correct number of verses, from the percussion score, which also enables students to hear each instrument on its own.  You will need Windows Media Player for this.

    The books are in PDF format.  This means you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to be able to view the documents which were converted  from postscript files created with Coda Finale to PDF files with Adobe Pagemaker and Distiller.  The quality that this makes possible is excellent*.

    I hope this latest development will encourage still more children, and schools, to Sing and Play Along.   If any technical difficulties arise in viewing or playing the music, please email me at [E-MAIL] with your comments.


    *Technical Considerations: If you have only a slow connection then the larger files may take a while to download; but once downloaded all the pages are available off-line very quickly, for viewing and printing.  This also applies to the percussion page; though you will need to go on-line to hear the sound files.

    After Acrobat Reader opens, and the file starts to download, the front page will open, and then the word contents will appear at the left-hand side.  Click the + sign to list the pieces, and the word contents to view the index page.  This is when the music pages are downloaded, very quickly with a broadband connection, maybe in a minute or two otherwise, depending on the file and other traffic.  Make sure your computer is set up so that you can then always read the files quickly, off-line.

    (Macintosh users may find the sequence varies a little; but the end result is the same.)