Sonnet VIII: What can
I give
thee back ... ?
This is track 4 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length in 2' 16", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
Sonnet X: Yet love,
mere love, is beautiful indeed ...
This is track 6 of sixteen on the CD.
The track length is 2' 04", the mp3 file ripped at 320 kbps.
Sonnet XIV: If thou
must love
me, let it be for nought ...
This is track 7 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 2' 10", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
Sonnet XXI: Say over
and yet once over again
that thou dost love me
This is track 9 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 2' 31", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
XXI>> |

Sonnet XXIII: Is it
indeed so?
If I lay here dead, Would'st thou
miss any life in losing mine?
This is track 10 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 3' 07", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
Sonnet XXX: I see
thine image
through my tears tonight
This is track 12 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 2' 49", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
XXX>> |
Sonnet XXXV: If I
leave all for
thee, wilt thou exchange ... ?
This is track 14 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 3' 11", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
Sonnet XXXVIII: First
time he
kissed me, he but only kissed ...
This is track 15 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 2' 59", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.
The CD How
do I love thee? ... comprises settings of
sixteen of the forty four beautiful sonnets written by
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
and published under the deliberately misleading title
"Sonnets from the Portuguese"
The CD was recorded on July 20th 2013 at RNCM
Manchester by Stephen Guy.
It has the nine tracks featured on this page, plus of course the
other seven, equally beautiful tracks - if you only purchase one CD this year, make it
this one!
to buy the CD>> |
Sonnet XLIII: How do I
thee? Let me count the ways.
This is track 16 of sixteen
on the CD.
The track length is 3' 16", the mp3
file ripped at 320 kbps.